Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness, But…

I’ve been thinking a lot about money lately.  I don’t mean about making money, or saving money like I usually do, but about the way money is treated and spoken about.  This is just a quick post with lots of passion about my good friend, cash money.




There are lots of negative rumors going around about money. And frankly, it’s not fair. People say things like “money is the root of all evil”, and “money can’t buy happiness”, but really, what has money ever done to you? Sure, people can use money for bad things, and sometimes, having lots of it can get to people’s heads. But the reality is, money is just paper. It’s just an object we humans have designed to control trade. (I mean, who wants to wash dishes to eat a meal at their favorite restaurant?)

People also associate money with bad things, such as when they say “If I had a dollar for every time someone said (blank)”. I think this needs to stop. We can’t keep blaming the Benjamins for all the evil in this world. In fact, I think it’s time we start changing things up a bit, and start using money in good phrases. Why can’t we say for example, “I’d love to be rich so I could give a dollar to everybody who smiles at me today”, or “when I get that raise I deserve, I’m going to be the best at my job anyone has ever been”.

I’d love to start seeing people appreciate the dollar more. Heck, not even the dollar, but the penny too! Why are we ashamed to pick up a penny on the ground? Is it because we have too much pride? Do we not want people to think we are needy? Maybe it’s time we stop associating spare change with shame, and start picking up that change and putting it in a jar! When that jar fills up, take your kids out for ice cream! Better yet, use that jar to teach your kids how important money truly is! Think about it this way, when the jar is filled, count the money inside it, and realize that people are LITERALLY throwing money away! What did that poor nickel ever do to you? Give it a home, or put it in the bank and let it gain interest and multiply! Show that nickel how much you appreciate it!

You may be saying to yourself, “but money really doesn’t buy happiness! I could live in a box and still be happy with my family/cat/iPhone” etc. This may be true, but wouldn’t you also be happy in a comfortable home, with a warm bed to sleep in at night, and maybe a bookcase full of your favorite books? Me personally, I’m quite content with my yarn and laptop, but I also realize that I wouldn’t be able to enjoy those things without money.

The point I’m trying to make in this small but powerful post, is that when the world stops seeing the words “money”, or “wealth”, or “millionaire” as bad, maybe more good will come out of the stacks of green goodness. Maybe more people will want more of it, and who knows, maybe then the world will become a more productive place.

Money doesn’t buy happiness…but it sure doesn’t hurt to have it.


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