Book Review #1: You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

I’m not just a money blogger because I like money. I’m a money blogger because I LOVE money. I love how it works, I love how you can use it to make life easier, and I really love helping people make more of it! It’s kind of something that I’ve been doing ever since I was a kid, and it is most certainly something I will keep with me throughout my entire life! (Retirement? What’s that?!)

Because I love money so much, pretty much my whole day revolves around it. My “down time”, aka “time when I’m not trying to make more money” consists of reading money-related books, or self-help books that motivate me to be a better person all together. I love getting cozy on my couch after having spent all day “working” (which isn’t really work for me because making money is fun!), and curling up with a good money-related book. Because of this, I’ve decided to begin giving my own personal opinions or reviews of these books as I finish them. I’ll even go back and re-read a few of my personal favorites, and do reviews on those as well.

I’m going to start off this series with a book entitled, “You are a Badass at Making Money”, by Jen Sincero. I’m sure you’ve seen the book around. Can’t remember where? It may have been Target! That’s where I picked up my copy, after having read another book by Ms. Sincero entitled “You are a Badass”.

Let’s go ahead and jump right into the review!



Title: You are a Badass at Making Money, New York Times Bestseller

Author: Jen Sincero

In this lovely green-covered book (suitable for the topic!), Jen Sincero goes in-depth into our minds, untangling any negative beliefs that we may have about money, and re-wires them to show us that money is NOT the enemy! In fact, it is our friend, our battle buddy, our co-pilot. She gives us tools to use throughout our day-to-day lives to remind us that money WANTS to be in our pockets. We are able to think about it in such a way that it basically gravitates toward us, and motivates us to stop being Debby Downers about money, and start living the rich lives we deserve!

I really enjoyed reading this book! When I first picked it up, I didn’t really know what to expect; I had just read her book “You are a Badass”, and decided that I needed to get my hands on her book about money. I didn’t read any reviews on it before purchasing it, so I admittedly assumed that her money-related book was going to be like many others; how to budget, how to stick it out at a job you hate because you need the money, or how to sell all of your belongings, buy a van, and live out of it for the rest of your life until you’re rich.

I was delightfully surprised a few pages in, when I realized that this book isn’t like that at all. Instead, it shows you how to use your mind to make better money-making decisions. She goes into spirituality and meditation (not naming a specific religion, but just spirituality in general), and how to use those to your advantage, and realize that the world wants you to have everything you’ve ever wanted.

Another thing I really enjoy about this book, is how REAL Jen Sincero is. She’s not like other authors, leaving you feeling as if life had been butterflies and unicorns their whole lives, but rather she is very open about her past struggles with money, her ups-and downs, and how she quickly went from broke to rich. It’s quite inspiring, and left me feeling as if there was still hope for me, even though I’ll be turning 30 in February!

Jen Sincero is all about passion, which is very important in my life. My husband and I argue about this quite often actually. He is all about security; having a secure job with a guaranteed paycheck and benefits, while I’m more about passion. I realize that we have got just this one life to live, and darn it, I want to live it as happily as I possibly can! That is why it is extremely important for me to be able to make a decent living doing something I absolutely love, and to be quite honest with you, that is by NOT having a salary.

You are a Badass at Making Money doesn’t discriminate; whether you are all about your passion of selling painted rocks, or would rather be the top accountant in your office building, you will benefit from reading this book. No matter which path your career takes you, you will always be looking for ways to advance, either by getting a promotion, raise, or new client, and Jen will help you get into the right mindset to do any of those things.

So now that I’ve gone into all of the things I’ve loved about this book, it’s time for me to admit to anything that I wasn’t overly thrilled with, and I’ll be honest with you, there weren’t many.

The first thing that I wasn’t overly excited about, was the fact that quite a bit of the book was repeated from her other book, You are a Badass. Not word-for-word, but there are a quite a few repeated phrases and stories, but if you’ve never read You are a Badass (or even if you had!), it won’t really matter.

The second thing that bugged me a bit, was her over-use of referring to a “higher power” as Universe. She mentions that she doesn’t name or refer to a specific religion, but with how she calls it the Universe, or “source-energy” every single time (not ever using God, or any other name for a higher being), it leads me to believe that in fact it is a reference to a very specific religion or spirituality called “Law of Attraction”, and as a Christian, this made me a little uncomfortable. I was able to look past it though, and really benefit from the rest of the book.

That’s it! Overall, I would recommend this book to anybody with an open mind, who is willing to learn ways to get your mindset on the right track to riches.

If you’d like to purchase this book and read it for yourself, you can find it on Amazon by clicking this link.


I hope you’ve enjoyed this review! If you’d like me to review another book, leave the name of it in the comments and I’ll check it out!


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