Money and Blogging Goals for October

My goodness, where on EARTH has September gone?!

I’d have to say that September wasn’t all too shabby for me, not from a personal standpoint at least. This past month I was living alone in an apartment that was too big for me, because my husband and two children (and doggo!) moved ahead of me to our next duty station. We didn’t want to keep the kids from missing out on the first few weeks of school, so we had decided that it would be best for them to go on ahead without me.

I spent the month busy as a beaver, between Army stuff and my side hustles. I have to admit, not having the guilt of not playing with my kids after work helped me to get a good foundation on my Poshmark closet! I can’t wait to see them in a few short weeks though.

If you remember from last month, I had quite a list of goals for the month of September. Here’s a recap:

Blogging Goals

25 posts

Make any money with affiliate marketing

Get 8 subscribers

1,000 IG followers

Money Goals

Make $500 in sales on Poshmark and/or Ebay

Become a Posh Ambassador

Have $1,000 in savings

Long term

Quit my job!

I’m going to jump right in to whether or not I’ve reached my goals! Let’s do this:

Alright so I need to have integrity here and admit that I didn’t achieve a single one of my blogging goals. I’ve been so focused on Poshmark that I kind of let my blogging slide a bit. I’m still really upset that I can’t even get people to subscribe to my blog that I put my energy in to, but I just have to keep telling myself that in time, the followers will come. I did manage to get over 800 Instagram followers, so I know I’ll hit my goal of 1,000 during October.

Now on to money goals. My first goal was to make $500 on Poshmark and/or Ebay. Did I do it? I’m happy to report YES! Although I didn’t make a single sale on Ebay, I did manage to make a total of $537.35 on Poshmark this month! I couldn’t be happier! If you are following along on my Debt Payoff Challenge, you might remember that I will be taking a chunk of that to put toward my debt in hopes of paying it off quickly. I’m grateful for every penny I earn on my side hustles.

I’m also happy to announce that I became a Posh Ambassador in September! I don’t really notice an increase in sales, but I do notice a huge increase in followers! That’s always a plus, because the more followers you have, the more people see your items for sale.

During September, we did not manage to get $1,000 in savings. Well, not REALLY. We don’t actually have $1,000 in our savings account, but we do have money in other accounts that we could potentially put in there to meet that goal. My husband and I just wanted to keep that money where it is until I get all moved in at the new home. Moving is expensive, and even though the Army should be paying for it, who knows how long it will be until we see that money. So, for right now, we have $700 in our savings account.

I also have not yet quit my full-time job. But we know that won’t happen for a long time 🙂

I also finished a couple more money-related books this month, so be sure to check out my latest book reviews. These books really inspire me to be more money-savvy, and I know they can help you too!

This past month I also created a YouTube channel for my reselling side hustles. Starting a YouTube channel is something that I’ve wanted to do for a very very long time, but just never had the courage to do it. I already have a few videos posted, so be sure to check them out!

Now that I’ve gone over my stats from the month of September, it’s time to go over my new goals for October! Let’s jump right in:

Blogging Goals

  • 8 subscribers (I’m determined, darn it!)
  • 1,200 IG followers
  • Make any money with affiliate marketing
  • 50 YouTube followers

Money Goals

  • Make $600 from reselling
  • Sell some of my crocheted items
  • Have $1,000 in savings
  • Contribute an extra $300 toward our debt

Money-Related Goals

  • Read two money-related books
  • Start taking over the family budget

As you can see, I’ve added a couple new things to my goals for this month. I’m starting to notice things that I do better than others, and I’ve adjusted my goals accordingly. I noticed that I don’t necessarily want to post a bunch of new posts every month, but rather 3-5 good posts with great content. I’m going to keep doing this goals posts, along with my Debt Payoff Challenge, book reviews, and money-making and money-saving tips. I’m not going to force myself to write something, but rather create an amazing post when I’m inspired.

I’ve also decided to add selling my crochet to the list, because I’ll be home soon, and waiting for me are thousands (not even lying) of skeins of yarn. Crocheting is another passion of mine, but I do have too much yarn in the house. That’s why I need to start making stuff so I can sell them, and fatten up my savings account! If you’re curious, you can check out my Etsy shop here!

I also wanted to add, that on the 11th of October I’ll be flying to California for a few days, before returning to Texas, and then driving to Maryland. This is just the kind of crazy stuff that the Army does to us soldiers, ha! I’m going to try to take my reselling inventory with me so I don’t have to close shop and miss out on potential sales. To add to that, I plan on doing a series of blog posts and YouTube videos documenting my journey. I will document the thrift stores I stop at along the way, as well as any sales I make, how I manage to run a successful reselling business on the road, and any other things that may happen.

That was quite a lot of information crammed into this post, huh? That’s what happens when I’m passionate about something. I just can’t stop talking about it. In fact, I want to keep going!! I’m going to hold myself back however, and wrap it up here.

I really hope that you’ve enjoyed following along with me as I fight my way out of this tangled web of financial uncertainty, and join me as I build my empire! I’d love to take you along with me, and inspire you to do the same!

What are your money goals for the month of October? Leave them in the comment section!


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